Proton Pump Inhibitor induced interstitial nephritis

The latest CRF for Proton Pump Inhibitor induced interstitial nephritis is below and comes under the PRED4 umbrella.

• >30% rise in serum creatinine or ≥ 25% fall in eGFR any time after introduction of PPI
• No other risk factors for renal disease
• Medical opinion implicating PPI justifies drug withdrawal, even if temporary
Codes which we have found helpful to identify patients:

 N10 and N12 (Acute tubulo-interstitial nephritis), Y53 (Side effects from Gastrointestinal drugs)
 Ask your IT department to do a search for patients seen by the Renal team with PPI in the “Diagnosis” or “Medical history” sections
 Screen Histopathology database for renal biopsy demonstrating tubulo-interstitial nephritis